tbaschak.github.io :: projects

Various Code I've written and contributed to.

bofhexcuses html5, css

github.com/tbaschak/bofhexcuses | tbaschak.github.io/bofhexcuses

HTML5 "excuses" project I forked from colepeters/designerexcuses and gave a BOFH twist.

check_watchdogs15 nagios, php, snmp, environmental monitoring

github.com/tbaschak/check_watchdogs15 | tbaschak.github.io/check_watchdogs15

Nagios plugin I wrote to monitor temperature, humidity, and dewpoint via SNMP from the IT Watchdogs 15/15P.

check_uptime_snmp nagios, shell, snmp, uptime


Nagios plugin I modified to monitor system uptime via SNMP.

ipfowl php, css


PHP IP Display utility with a Poultry theme.

6paster php, docs/example contributor


6paster is a private pastebin clone with TTL values to limit post life. Contributed documentation re: setup with nginx and posting from a here document.

php-ldap-changepw php, ldap

github.com/tbaschak/php-ldap-changepw | tbaschak.github.io/php-ldap-changepw

Old code I wrote for an employer years ago to change a user's LDAP password. Use only as a base for learning, this code is not written with heavy security in mind.